Special Sessions
MERCon 2025 calls proposals for special sessions in multidisciplinary areas of research which complement the regular tracks by highlighting new and emerging research topics. The proposals for special sessions can be related to one of the following areas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Coming soon...
A Special Session Proposal Submission
The organizers will be track chairs for the proposed special session. Accepted special sessions will be opened for submission and the submitted papers will be peer reviewed as in regular papers. At least there should be four accepted papers to appear in the conference program as the special session. If the number of papers is less than four, the accepted papers will be included in the most relevant regular track. Note that an accepted special will appear similar to a regular track in the conference program and keynotes or any other invited talks are not entertained.
Notification of Acceptance: 14th April 2025
Paper Submission deadline: 20th April 2025